Super Seafoods that Pack a Punch of Flavour and Nutrients
India is known for its wide variety of meats in seafood, as well as its innumerable recipes for seafood in every single cuisine. So it’s no surprise that it is one of the leading seafood exporters and traders globally. But what may come as a bit of a surprise, is that along with being extremely […]
Celebrating some of our esteemed customers as they share their story With BMM.
To explore how this idea of cutting through stereotypes together translates into the daily life of women, we had candid conversations with some BMM customers about their journeys. Mrs. Edward, a long-standing customer of BMM, shared some delightful anecdotes about how her husband likes to help out around the house. Let’s take a look at […]
5 Myths of Consuming Meat
Nutrition, at times needs nutrition! That is one of the many ironies of life. Especially when it comes to meat, there are many things that are not, well, neat. Some say meat doesn’t digest well. God, this myth is very hard to digest. When you eat meat, it gets broken down by stomach acid and digestive […]
Perfect Pork Ribs
I always get asked, what is the best way to do pork ribs? There are thousands of recipes out there but my below recipe was always a crowd pleaser. Pork Ribs 3kg (BMM Special) 3ltr Vegetable /chicken stock 500ml Red wine 1 brown onion roughly chopped 2 celery sticks – chopped 1 carrot – chopped […]